Everything Starts with Finance ORIX Evolvrd by Creating Businesses

We Offer Technology for Rent Too

-Japan's First Electrical Measurement Equipment Rental Company, ORIX Rentec-

  • A Rental Business That Was Born from the Leasing Business

    "We are setting up a temporary office for just two weeks. Can you provide us with 20 PCs and printers by tomorrow?"
    "We need 1,000 tablet PCs for a three-day event, can you help?"

    Our rental business was born from the leasing business to meet customer requests like these.

    Our rental equipment numbers around 1.5 million items covering about 34,000 categories including electrical measurement equipment, medical equipment and scientific and environmental analysis equipment, in addition to IT-related equipment such as PCs and printers.
  • We Rent Out ‘Technology’-Not Just Equipment

    Our strength goes further than the number of items we offer.
    To ensure that our customers can use the equipment immediately, with measurement equipment we calibrate it in-house before delivering it. Calibration is a crucial precision checking operation for testing equipment. We therefore provide not only the equipment, but a service that combines the "technology" to ensure it can be used with confidence.

    How did we develop the capability to provide this kind of technology service?
    We were able to develop it because our rental business began with the rental of measurement equipment as a starting point.

  • Technology Center for Testing and Checking Based on International Standards

    In fact, even the smartphones and TV sets that we use every day are never launched into the world as new products without passing rigorous product testing by manufacturers. This testing requires measuring to check whether products conform to standards. However, the cost of a single unit of testing equipment to conduct this measuring can easily run to tens of millions of yen. Manufacturers only require the equipment for a certain period, so purchasing various units is an inefficient use of capital. This has created a market for rental equipment.

    Measurement equipment is precision equipment, so ensuring accuracy (performance) is an extremely important aspect when renting it.
    For this reason, we established a Technology Center for calibrating our measurement equipment to ensure its accuracy meets international standards. We are always ready to offer a highly reliable, quality rental service.
    As a result, we have accumulated the technology and expertise that we need to ensure that customers come back to rent our IT-related and measurement equipment time and again.
  • Responding to Requests for Performance Testing and Checking Services

    We are now finding increasing opportunities to provide technical services alone, as we respond to customer requests for us to calibrate their measurement equipment in the same way that we calibrate our own.

    ORIX Rentec technology may be helping to ensure the performance of your TV too.

    ORIX Rentec Corporation was established in 1976 as Japan’s first measurement equipment rental company.
    We provide more than just equipment rentals, adding advanced technology and specialization to provide an even higher level of service. This is the rental business we have developed.